Understanding trademarks

18 Oct

My curiosity has served me well. The action I choose this weekend is to go to a seminar and listen to presentations at the national trademark expo with the theme:

  • Protecting Your Trademark
  • Enhancing Your Rights through Federal Registration


It stimulated my thinking, and I had a revelation on who we are as social beings.

  •  The bourgeoisie as a class came about due to the vital concept, trademarks.

Two contrasting views stimulated my thinking of who we are.

On one side, it is the individualistic instinct as a human being; i.e., we need to be different and stand out from others.

On the other side, it is the social instinct; i.e., we need each other’s approval.

Both instincts are necessary for us to compete. Seeking fairness in competition leads to government involvement. The patent & trademark office become essential in civilization.

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